Friday, October 16, 2009

Stand up Against Poverty

Regard this:

For the fourth year in a row, millions of people around the world will “Stand Up & Take Action” to demand that world leaders end poverty & achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The MDGs offer us a roadmap to end poverty & its root causes.
In September 2000, 189 world leaders adopted the MDGs as part of the Millennium Declaration, agreed to at the United Nations Millennium Summit.

The MDG's set an unprecedented global framework for development that is a crucial step towards ending poverty & inequality by 2015.
The eight MDG goals include:
1. Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality & empower women
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDs, malaria, & other diseases
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development


Last year, a record breaking 116 million people stood up & took action to end poverty & help achieve these Goals. Through this movement, we have set & broken the Guinness World Record for the largest mobilization around a single cause in recorded history.

However, this is a time of extraordinary challenge. The global financial crisis is having a devastating impact of this on the world’s poorest & most vulnerable. & the climate crisis threatens to undo the gains that have been made towards achieving the MDGs. With just six years left to the 2015 deadline, no region is on track to achieve their goals.

We must make the MDGs an urgent priority & 'Stand Up, Take Action' is a vital opportunity to send a clear message to world leaders to deliver on the promise we made to the world’s people to end poverty & usher in a new era of equality, health, and prosperity.

Together, we can make poverty history. Join millions worldwide to


We are standing now with millions around the world on this symbolic day, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, to show our commitment to the fight against extreme poverty & inequality.

We are standing because we refuse to accept more excuses in a world where 50,000 people die every day as a result of extreme poverty & the
gap between rich and poor is getting wider.

We are standing because we want our leaders to honour their promises to meet the Millennium Development Goals, & we ask them to exceed
these goals.

We join in solidarity with people from over 100 countries to say:
To the leaders of the wealthy countries:
We urge you to keep your promises on poverty, debt cancellation, more & better aid, trade justice & gender equality.
To the leaders of poorer countries:
Make it your first responsibility to save the lives of your poorest citizens. We ask you to tackle inequality, to be accountable to your people, to govern fairly & justly, to fight corruption & to fulfil human rights.

Today, & every day, we will stand up and speak out against poverty. We will continue the fight against poverty & inequality & to hold our leaders to their promises.
We are asking not for charity but for justice. We are millions of voices standing in solidarity to say, no more excuses - END POVERTY NOW!

This event is organized by:
AlexFest - GWR & PR Committees

Partners :
YES: Youth Employment Summit
UN: United Nations


So,to sum this up: we as alexfest organizers,will go to colleges,events,concerts,and ask people to Stand up against poverty,then we will count them up and take a photo,then we will send them to Stand up against poverty headquarters, and we will be added to break a GWR.

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